Remote team and freelancer management platform

Smart freelancer search,
fully electronic document creation and signing,
project and resource management,
automated invoicing

Trusted by leading brands and startups

We will help you to optimize your work

IN.TOP has a comprehensive toolkit for remote team and freelancer management

Our platform allows for an automated vendor sourcing. As part of sourcing our platform will analyze a variety of factors (expertise, compatibility, accessibility, project budget, etc.) and select the most suitable team combinations

Working with
the self-employed
Our system will check the self-employment status. Once the job is completed, IN.TOP will generate an acceptance certificate, generate a payment order to the bank, declare the self-employed person’s income, generate a receipt and transfer the self-employment tax into the Russian budget
Generate contracts, acceptance certificates, orders and other documents automatically. E-sign documents and enjoy all the features of the electronic document workflow
Make payments to vendors via any bank. Transfer money within minutes after acceptance of completed services
Our platform allows for tracking of deadline compliance, vendor budget and work completion
Secure personal
data storage
We work with providers who ensure data protection according to the Federal Law No. 152 and have a Federal Service for Technology and Export Control certificate
Here are just three of the many scenarios
of how IN.TOP can be of help
  • Alexander Petrov
    Educational event
    One of my responsibilities is organizing regular trainings and workshops for corporate clients. For each event I put together a team that includes a speaker, a facilitator, a sound contractor, a photographer.
    IN.TOP helped me facilitate the vendor contracting process. For example, I hired a sound contractor for several events at once and all the closing documents were generated automatically. Besides, the platform allows me to check speakers and trainers for professional competence. Each expert and vendor lists their professional skills and supports them with relevant documents
  • Nadezhda Egorova
    Complex website
    creation producer
    I don’t have in-house employees and for each project I put together a team of unique specialists. For example, a frontend developer, a designer, a copywriter/editor, an SEO specialist. However I don’t always complete complex projects and this is where IN.TOP came to the rescue.
    With the help of the platform I managed to reduce my paperwork and freed some time for project work. Now I can take on more demanding and complex projects and attract more vendors. IN.TOP electronic document workflow and project management tools help make sure that the job is done to a high standard and in time
  • Andrey Sokolov
    Project manager
    at a large company
    Sometimes to get the job done I need to hire external specialists. For instance, I occasionally need consulting services from a marketing and a targeting specialist to set up advertising. IN.TOP helps to organize work with external vendors. The platform gathers experts from different marketplaces in one database. It’s very convenient — when I need a service I don’t have to remember the one specific vendor who was helping me two years ago and won a good reputation. Moreover, if I don’t have the required specialist on my team, I can create a request and the platform will find a suitable candidate from the expert database

IN.TOP is a platform for...

Build a
You are a manager and regularly assemble teams for projects
Projects with
You already have a remote team and want to optimize its work
You want to reduce operational costs on team management
document flow
You don’t want to waste your time
on paperwork
Reducing back office
You don’t want to bear the costs of having several accountants and lawyers
Setting up
internal controls
You want to implement automated internal controls in your work
What our customers are saying

Our partners

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Moscow, Skolkovo Innovation Center,
42 blvd. Bolshoy, bldg. 1, office 1112

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+7 905 191 55 77